1use super::*;
3/// A trait which indicates that a type is a `#[repr(transparent)]` wrapper
4/// around the `Inner` value.
6/// This allows safely copy transmuting between the `Inner` type and the
7/// `TransparentWrapper` type. Functions like `wrap_{}` convert from the inner
8/// type to the wrapper type and `peel_{}` functions do the inverse conversion
9/// from the wrapper type to the inner type. We deliberately do not call the
10/// wrapper-removing methods "unwrap" because at this point that word is too
11/// strongly tied to the Option/ Result methods.
13/// # Safety
15/// The safety contract of `TransparentWrapper` is relatively simple:
17/// For a given `Wrapper` which implements `TransparentWrapper<Inner>`:
19/// 1. `Wrapper` must be a wrapper around `Inner` with an identical data
20/// representations. This either means that it must be a
21/// `#[repr(transparent)]` struct which contains a either a field of type
22/// `Inner` (or a field of some other transparent wrapper for `Inner`) as
23/// the only non-ZST field.
25/// 2. Any fields *other* than the `Inner` field must be trivially constructable
26/// ZSTs, for example `PhantomData`, `PhantomPinned`, etc. (When deriving
27/// `TransparentWrapper` on a type with ZST fields, the ZST fields must be
28/// [`Zeroable`]).
30/// 3. The `Wrapper` may not impose additional alignment requirements over
31/// `Inner`.
32/// - Note: this is currently guaranteed by `repr(transparent)`, but there
33/// have been discussions of lifting it, so it's stated here explicitly.
35/// 4. All functions on `TransparentWrapper` **may not** be overridden.
37/// ## Caveats
39/// If the wrapper imposes additional constraints upon the inner type which are
40/// required for safety, it's responsible for ensuring those still hold -- this
41/// generally requires preventing access to instances of the inner type, as
42/// implementing `TransparentWrapper<U> for T` means anybody can call
43/// `T::cast_ref(any_instance_of_u)`.
45/// For example, it would be invalid to implement TransparentWrapper for `str`
46/// to implement `TransparentWrapper` around `[u8]` because of this.
48/// # Examples
50/// ## Basic
52/// ```
53/// use bytemuck::TransparentWrapper;
54/// # #[derive(Default)]
55/// # struct SomeStruct(u32);
57/// #[repr(transparent)]
58/// struct MyWrapper(SomeStruct);
60/// unsafe impl TransparentWrapper<SomeStruct> for MyWrapper {}
62/// // interpret a reference to &SomeStruct as a &MyWrapper
63/// let thing = SomeStruct::default();
64/// let inner_ref: &MyWrapper = MyWrapper::wrap_ref(&thing);
66/// // Works with &mut too.
67/// let mut mut_thing = SomeStruct::default();
68/// let inner_mut: &mut MyWrapper = MyWrapper::wrap_mut(&mut mut_thing);
70/// # let _ = (inner_ref, inner_mut); // silence warnings
71/// ```
73/// ## Use with dynamically sized types
75/// ```
76/// use bytemuck::TransparentWrapper;
78/// #[repr(transparent)]
79/// struct Slice<T>([T]);
81/// unsafe impl<T> TransparentWrapper<[T]> for Slice<T> {}
83/// let s = Slice::wrap_ref(&[1u32, 2, 3]);
84/// assert_eq!(&s.0, &[1, 2, 3]);
86/// let mut buf = [1, 2, 3u8];
87/// let sm = Slice::wrap_mut(&mut buf);
88/// ```
90/// ## Deriving
92/// When deriving, the non-wrapped fields must uphold all the normal
93/// requirements, and must also be `Zeroable`.
94#[cfg_attr(feature = "derive", doc = "```")]
96 not(feature = "derive"),
97 doc = "```ignore
98// This example requires the `derive` feature."
100/// use bytemuck::TransparentWrapper;
101/// use std::marker::PhantomData;
103/// #[derive(TransparentWrapper)]
104/// #[repr(transparent)]
105/// #[transparent(usize)]
106/// struct Wrapper<T: ?Sized>(usize, PhantomData<T>); // PhantomData<T> implements Zeroable for all T
107/// ```
109/// Here, an error will occur, because `MyZst` does not implement `Zeroable`.
110#[cfg_attr(feature = "derive", doc = "```compile_fail")]
112 not(feature = "derive"),
113 doc = "```ignore
114// This example requires the `derive` feature."
116/// use bytemuck::TransparentWrapper;
117/// struct MyZst;
119/// #[derive(TransparentWrapper)]
120/// #[repr(transparent)]
121/// #[transparent(usize)]
122/// struct Wrapper(usize, MyZst); // MyZst does not implement Zeroable
123/// ```
124pub unsafe trait TransparentWrapper<Inner: ?Sized> {
125 /// Convert the inner type into the wrapper type.
126 #[inline]
127 fn wrap(s: Inner) -> Self
128 where
129 Self: Sized,
130 Inner: Sized,
131 {
132 assert!(size_of::<Inner>() == size_of::<Self>());
133 assert!(align_of::<Inner>() == align_of::<Self>());
134 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that `Self` and `Inner` have
135 // identical representations.
136 unsafe { transmute!(s) }
137 }
139 /// Convert a reference to the inner type into a reference to the wrapper
140 /// type.
141 #[inline]
142 fn wrap_ref(s: &Inner) -> &Self {
143 // The unsafe contract requires that these two have
144 // identical representations, and thus identical pointer metadata.
145 // Assert that Self and Inner have the same pointer size,
146 // which is the best we can do to assert their metadata is the same type
147 // on stable.
148 assert!(size_of::<*const Inner>() == size_of::<*const Self>());
149 unsafe {
150 // A pointer cast doesn't work here because rustc can't tell that
151 // the vtables match (because of the `?Sized` restriction relaxation).
152 // A `transmute` doesn't work because the sizes are unspecified.
153 //
154 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that these two have
155 // identical representations.
156 let inner_ptr = s as *const Inner;
157 let wrapper_ptr: *const Self = transmute!(inner_ptr);
158 &*wrapper_ptr
159 }
160 }
162 /// Convert a mutable reference to the inner type into a mutable reference to
163 /// the wrapper type.
164 #[inline]
165 fn wrap_mut(s: &mut Inner) -> &mut Self {
166 // The unsafe contract requires that these two have
167 // identical representations, and thus identical pointer metadata.
168 // Assert that Self and Inner have the same pointer size,
169 // which is about the best we can do on stable.
170 assert!(size_of::<*mut Inner>() == size_of::<*mut Self>());
171 unsafe {
172 // A pointer cast doesn't work here because rustc can't tell that
173 // the vtables match (because of the `?Sized` restriction relaxation).
174 // A `transmute` doesn't work because the sizes are unspecified.
175 //
176 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that these two have
177 // identical representations.
178 let inner_ptr = s as *mut Inner;
179 let wrapper_ptr: *mut Self = transmute!(inner_ptr);
180 &mut *wrapper_ptr
181 }
182 }
184 /// Convert a slice to the inner type into a slice to the wrapper type.
185 #[inline]
186 fn wrap_slice(s: &[Inner]) -> &[Self]
187 where
188 Self: Sized,
189 Inner: Sized,
190 {
191 assert!(size_of::<Inner>() == size_of::<Self>());
192 assert!(align_of::<Inner>() == align_of::<Self>());
193 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that these two have
194 // identical representations (size and alignment).
195 unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(s.as_ptr() as *const Self, s.len()) }
196 }
198 /// Convert a mutable slice to the inner type into a mutable slice to the
199 /// wrapper type.
200 #[inline]
201 fn wrap_slice_mut(s: &mut [Inner]) -> &mut [Self]
202 where
203 Self: Sized,
204 Inner: Sized,
205 {
206 assert!(size_of::<Inner>() == size_of::<Self>());
207 assert!(align_of::<Inner>() == align_of::<Self>());
208 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that these two have
209 // identical representations (size and alignment).
210 unsafe {
211 core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(s.as_mut_ptr() as *mut Self, s.len())
212 }
213 }
215 /// Convert the wrapper type into the inner type.
216 #[inline]
217 fn peel(s: Self) -> Inner
218 where
219 Self: Sized,
220 Inner: Sized,
221 {
222 assert!(size_of::<Inner>() == size_of::<Self>());
223 assert!(align_of::<Inner>() == align_of::<Self>());
224 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that `Self` and `Inner` have
225 // identical representations.
226 unsafe { transmute!(s) }
227 }
229 /// Convert a reference to the wrapper type into a reference to the inner
230 /// type.
231 #[inline]
232 fn peel_ref(s: &Self) -> &Inner {
233 // The unsafe contract requires that these two have
234 // identical representations, and thus identical pointer metadata.
235 // Assert that Self and Inner have the same pointer size,
236 // which is about the best we can do on stable.
237 assert!(size_of::<*const Inner>() == size_of::<*const Self>());
238 unsafe {
239 // A pointer cast doesn't work here because rustc can't tell that
240 // the vtables match (because of the `?Sized` restriction relaxation).
241 // A `transmute` doesn't work because the sizes are unspecified.
242 //
243 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that these two have
244 // identical representations.
245 let wrapper_ptr = s as *const Self;
246 let inner_ptr: *const Inner = transmute!(wrapper_ptr);
247 &*inner_ptr
248 }
249 }
251 /// Convert a mutable reference to the wrapper type into a mutable reference
252 /// to the inner type.
253 #[inline]
254 fn peel_mut(s: &mut Self) -> &mut Inner {
255 // The unsafe contract requires that these two have
256 // identical representations, and thus identical pointer metadata.
257 // Assert that Self and Inner have the same pointer size,
258 // which is about the best we can do on stable.
259 assert!(size_of::<*mut Inner>() == size_of::<*mut Self>());
260 unsafe {
261 // A pointer cast doesn't work here because rustc can't tell that
262 // the vtables match (because of the `?Sized` restriction relaxation).
263 // A `transmute` doesn't work because the sizes are unspecified.
264 //
265 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that these two have
266 // identical representations.
267 let wrapper_ptr = s as *mut Self;
268 let inner_ptr: *mut Inner = transmute!(wrapper_ptr);
269 &mut *inner_ptr
270 }
271 }
273 /// Convert a slice to the wrapped type into a slice to the inner type.
274 #[inline]
275 fn peel_slice(s: &[Self]) -> &[Inner]
276 where
277 Self: Sized,
278 Inner: Sized,
279 {
280 assert!(size_of::<Inner>() == size_of::<Self>());
281 assert!(align_of::<Inner>() == align_of::<Self>());
282 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that these two have
283 // identical representations (size and alignment).
284 unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(s.as_ptr() as *const Inner, s.len()) }
285 }
287 /// Convert a mutable slice to the wrapped type into a mutable slice to the
288 /// inner type.
289 #[inline]
290 fn peel_slice_mut(s: &mut [Self]) -> &mut [Inner]
291 where
292 Self: Sized,
293 Inner: Sized,
294 {
295 assert!(size_of::<Inner>() == size_of::<Self>());
296 assert!(align_of::<Inner>() == align_of::<Self>());
297 // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that these two have
298 // identical representations (size and alignment).
299 unsafe {
300 core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(s.as_mut_ptr() as *mut Inner, s.len())
301 }
302 }
305unsafe impl<T> TransparentWrapper<T> for core::num::Wrapping<T> {}
306#[cfg(feature = "transparentwrapper_extra")]
308 feature = "nightly_docs",
309 doc(cfg(feature = "transparentwrapper_extra"))
311unsafe impl<T> TransparentWrapper<T> for core::num::Saturating<T> {}
313// Note that `Reverse` existed since Rust 1.19.0, but was only made `#[repr(transparent)]`
314// in Rust 1.52.0 (PR:, so we have it under
315// the same feature as `Saturating`, which was stabilized in Rust 1.74.0, so that this
316// impl cannot be used on a version before 1.52.0 where it would be unsound.
317#[cfg(feature = "transparentwrapper_extra")]
319 feature = "nightly_docs",
320 doc(cfg(feature = "transparentwrapper_extra"))
322unsafe impl<T> TransparentWrapper<T> for core::cmp::Reverse<T> {}